Wolfram Education Portal http://education.wolfram.com/
Take a look at the new Educational Portal from Wolfram, the company behind the Mathematica computational application and the Wolfram|Alpha ‘knowledge engine’. One needs to first register on their site, and then you are allowed to download a browser plug-in, the CDF (Computable Document Format) player which allows you to access to the coursework and the 2D and 3D demonstrations.
The focus is on maths, and the first two courses are the key foundation topics of Algebra and Calculus. “In the portal you’ll find a dynamic textbook, lesson plans, widgets, interactive Demonstrations, and more built by Wolfram education experts.”
One can access the content via Windows, Mac, or Linux, or online with desktop browsers. The website says that mobile apps are on their way. The Algebra coursework includes a comprehensive collection of matching lesson plans and textbook pages, with interactive demos. Calculus includes 19 demonstrations and 12 problem-solving widgets.
Since teachers or students are able to create their own CDF resources using Mathematica, we may see the creation of free Open Educational Resources. The licensing agreement allows you to give away your OER (open educational resource), but if you sell it, Wolfram gets a percentage. This seems to be a wonderful symbiotic relationship between the corporate world and the world of free open educational resources.
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