I had been thinking that I would use schools here or in soCal for my testbeds. However, logistical considerations, along with IRB regulations and hoops to jump through make me think that it would be better to create an online pool from the SL community.
By June 2012, SL will be open to the public and will have more visitors to pull from. There will be a critical mass of learners to study for my projects within SL. It's also possible to recruit after that time and have volunteers sign up to SL, specifically to whatever community I create for them within SL.
These subjects will be, by default 18+, circumventing IRB processes, and will be just one click away from wherever I am in the world as I complete these project pieces.
•What would it look like to map SL behaviors to the Learning Power Dimensions? (LP will be in SL as ELLI by the end of July--Ruth's grad student Shwfu)
•Could we complement ELLI with real time data streaming? Put ELLI and learning analytics at the intersection. (paper Simon BS and Ruth DC to be presented at LAK12 in Vancouver in April.
•Enquiry Blogger (Rebecca Ferguson paper) uses the blogger as a learning journal to document the phases of authentic inquiry.
•Could we supplement blogger structure within SL to document and provide analytics?
•Could we get visualizations/create visualizations for learners to document their inquiry pathway?
ELLI update
July 2012- ELLI in SL
ELLI recently migrated to a new platform: Fusion Universal.
Fusion Universal Tutorial (game)
Fushion Universal Learning Styles
we all learn in different ways
honey and describe four kinds of learners:
We are all usually capable of being parts of all types and capable of using ANY technique.
How does understanding your learning style help you learn?
1. helps you create experiences that suit the way YOU LEARN.
(if an activist, ask for hands on experiences)
2. awareness of your strengths and weaknesses
(if an activist, try thinking about the problem before jumping in; if a reflector or pragmatist, think about putting your ideas into action first)
3. understanding your teams learning styles will help you create experiences that maximize their experiences and motivation--experiences that suit the way they learn
(if your team has lots of activists, you might let them learn by doing instead of giving them long presentations to sit through)
Impact of Fusion's Knowledge Solution
+44(0)20 3178 7933
Fusion Universal's Virtual School
•Sugata Mitra in Africa-leaves the problem, gives tools, comes back
•Khan Academy in PA, CA put up math videos on a website
•Fusion Universal lessons learned from content developed and delivered
1.contextualization, use of local characters and stories, important for motivation and understanding
2.being able to localize and translate content is key for mas rollout
3.need for high quality education at little or no cost per student is key
4. innovation: smartboards keyed to learner types, high quality ICT learning
5. innovation in the production of the videos for the coursework-
1. take a raw movie explanation
2. pass it to professional visual designers in India
3. keep the audio track, but enhance the visualization, creating greater engagement factor and increase motivation.
Jambock platform
world's first true social learning platform that can accomodate any number of learners
designed to look like you tube
search, and to learn and socialize with teachers and other students
create high quality curriculum, delivered in Africa
provide tools and to create own locate curr, facilitated by FU
hosted on internet and
coded to PC and most mobile platforms
mobile bandwidth may be an issue
after first country creates massive curriculum--easy to map other countries curriculum
Who for?
children who have dropped out of school
the child who doesn't have an ed but wants one
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