Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gamification of education

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Learning Registry Metadata Initiative

Learning Registry and LRMI
Use of Metadata Tagging

Visit (click to open in a new window)
Education Metadata
Metadata why do I care?

why do we need a standard?
Recipe- all the different items that are part of the thing we are creating—standards about describing nutritional information of the recipe –this is metadata

Data-the book itself
Metadata for books—the title, author, length, readability

LRMI standardization of the metadata and how it is useful
AEP role-
Provides representation and insight on the LRMI TWG, oversee communication outreach to educational resource community

So what
Existing metadata standards now includes IEE LOM, Dublin Core Metadata, SCORM, Our own metadata schema

Why another standard—LRMI—to make it easier to find the resources—accessibility, the availability of curriculum, international baccalaureate  international-need a standardized, centralized to use metadata to search beyond education
Leverage this to make the data findable, makes its way through the internet, need standaraized ways to find it
Need a common set of descriptors, common is not common
Education benefits by not going it alone but leveraging an existing industry-publishing
Allows conversation between stakeholders
Internet makes it more diffiuclt-various standards meet each other where they wouldn
‘t have in the past

LRMI—the future of education research
Visit (click to open in a new window)
Find overwhelming results, a million results, frustrating, takes too long to find what learners need, have to look through things to  find what they really want by combing through results to find what they need

Learners spending too much time searching, not enough time learning or teaching.  To be able to sort by grade level etc helps all
Focused on making educational and research resources easy to find
Coled with CC
Standard metadata framework for all educational content
Encompasses most common and often used key terms and filters
If adopted by major search engines, these will appear on the browser screen when educators and students are searching to help them get the exact information they need when they are searching

Get less results, but they mean more
Learning Resource Metadata Initiative

Recognize that publishers are helping in the discovery of ed res and the marketing and awareness and commerce.
LRMI changing the world
Process of describing the resource in terms of the sets of tags,  then publishing that in a number of formats depending on where it is being used (adopted by google, yahoo, bing)  making it evident where it is, making it discoverable

Open source taggers, open source within own toolsets
LRMI enable better search
Potato salad search-set of metadata that come up in google without mayo etc.  imagine these happening within education—child ages 10-12, fractions, remediation?
Not for classes necessarily, but personalizable and individualized
Resources more easily found and more easily used
Enables better search
Fractions search, new version too available now

Learning Media
New Zealand largest ed publisher, print and digital company is gov owned, one of key clients is ministry of ed in NZ
Also global publisher and developer
Developed and host of largest metadata portal in NZ- hub for all  NZ

Market drivers-deliver profit, deliver future and digital future, growth,
Teachers need relevant resources, need to find info at the click of a button
Product perspective-plethora of computer disks in market,
Plethora of competitors, teachers can’t review all of these that are not relevant
Channels and

Teachers and learners need to know searching yields relevant resources
Metadata—discoverability, relevant and accessible
Changes the way publishers stay relevant and
Bridging gap between publishers and educators

Challenges- search engines not structured for educational resources
No education schema for metadata, makes it a hit and miss chance to be hit by search engindes, difficult to clink up and browse
Can now provide structured linking and browsing, resources better aligned for common core standards, other standards internationally, better engaged educators who can discover relevant accessible resources easily

With no metadata, many resources are not discoverable within sear ch engines, when metadata is embedded, more tags come out and the resources become more discoverable
LRMI embeds more detailed tags in leveling, curriculum and standards alignment
MICRODATA reveal—a better tool for testing, displays the metadata in a table for display

LRMI enables:  search tools, integrated search, integration of catalogues of products, individualized learning,  and much more
Imagine a resource that rolls up when other searches are coming through, can find aggregated materials,

Progressive manner for using LRMI
The Gates foundation has funded the shared learning collaborative that is based on LRMI and also uses PARADATA which is meta metadata

Creates chsared data searches, Makes data speak the same language, opens the door to creating customizable learning maps and curriculum, plans for students, turn flood of assessment and formative data into actual insight and give students what they need in real time
SLC-cloud based data store, standardized metadata tagging language, open license API for building software applications that actually work together
More schools, better integration, and more data for everyone
Teachers can be free to teach, developers work  SHARING

Making better tools for teachers and learners

Creation and movement toward digital assets—LRMI plays a role to help developers to represent their resources, and to think differently about their workflow and products
LRMI and SLC—set of repositories of data, being able to coals those
Phase 1—
Development of specification, finding the learning objects within these specificiations by Jan 2012
Final review now
LRMI properties, learning resource or not, 6 directly at education—intended user, ed use, time required, age ranbe, interactivity, type of resource, competency and assessment

Common set of recommended values- ~300 developed in this set, will evolve over times, presentation, type, activity, etc.
Phase 2—proof of concept
Interactivity with the users, as we are tagging, how is it used, awareness building, collaboration of taggers and search, educator publisher surveys, encouraging/supporting adoption—will be turned on by next summer, then can filter by those attributes
PoC round one participants
PoC round two participants—22 actively pursuing phase 2
700+ resources already submitted for phase 2, 16 new publishers in phase 2

PoC next steps
Continuing to tag additional resources from publishers
Document best practice tagging steps
Generate recommendations for feature/function requirements for next gen tagging tools
Create service providers kit with services
Increase number of participating publishers
Shift from doing tagging to support publishers tagging

Goal is to make it easier to use,

Learning Registry
Common Core State Standards

Languages for metadata-localized in the US right now, in English, will be localized, there is a mapping to grade level, have a shema in any national organization around those pieces
Will work in standard browsers, google serves up different browsers geographically
Education LRMI not yet being served, by summer 2013
Content management systems- using to do mapping, can create an export, html microformat, fairly simple, limited fields
Does not address needs of higher education, only primary and secondary schools, higher ed use cases are completely different
How will ranking occur?—LRMI will not be part of the ranking, allows providers to come together to present, how it is decided to monetize it or rank it, we can’t use it, LRMI filter should be bringing better resources to the top
Creative Commons- works with open ed resources, license models for open ed, how to identify resources on the web and manage those resources
AEP and CC relationship balances the LRMI
In English now, math and language arts
Later will go into science and then social sciences, broader group around implementation of LRMI (spec has only been around for less than a year now)